New Age Civics

A close up of components from sections around the site.

New Age Civics is a design firm in Phoenix specializing in nontraditional service design for local governments and other sectors. They aim to solve complex community issues in areas such as criminal justice, healthcare, and economic development. They want to improve their website design and messaging.

Their goals were:

  • A more marketable site, with attractive design while conveying legitimacy.

  • A refreshed landing page that more clearly communicates their identity, their purpose, and their services. 

  • An intake form to capture leads.

  • An “About Us” section

  • An engaging blog space

Where am I in all of this?

Leading the over all user experience and brand and applying the goals listed above to the new site.

The Problem.

New Age Civic’s website contains dense and technical wording, as well as design elements that do not clearly communicate or demonstrate the business’s purpose, areas of service, and work.

The Why.

1. Lack of information

2. Lack of clear description of services

3. Lack of About Us/Company info and Portfolio

The Solution.

To maintain the positive impressions of their original website, modern, and informative while opening up New Age Civics background, and portfolio more accessible to future and current clients. 

The Fix.

1. Beautiful imagery and Icons

2. Organized information

3. Customized contact form

4. Space for Civic Design case studies, clients, and testimonials

The Redesign.

The website redesign process involved strategic rearrangement of sections based on ongoing research insights. Initial versions included both blog and non-blog options, but research showed minimal interest in the blog. Collaborating with New Age Civics, we decided to eliminate the blog from the main page and relocate it to the footer for those seeking it. Custom icons matching the brand's identity were developed, along with a map showcasing the organization's location, prioritizing user time.

The site's structure was reorganized to prioritize user needs, resulting in a sequence of homepage, services, case studies, contact, New Age Civics, and testimonials. Additionally, the homepage featured a newsletter signup CTA, while the footer anticipated future content. Iterative refinements incorporated user feedback, realistic copy, tailored icons, and imagery aligned with New Age Civic's personality and branding.

The Design Process


Requirement Understanding Defining Use Case Idea Creation


Competitor Analysis Value Proposition Analysis Card sorting


Sketch & Wire Framing Design & Guidelines Prototyping


Usability Testing Improving Process Audit Process

In the course of my design exploration, I initiated the process with ideation and proceeded to engage in iterative cycles, maintaining a robust feedback loop with key stakeholders. A substantial research endeavor served as the bedrock, facilitating a comprehensive comprehension of user exigencies and aspirations, culminating in the origination of a superlative end-product.

My research expedition enclosed a gamut of activities, encompassing a meticulous UI/UX comparative analysis. This exercise served as a compass, delineating industry exemplars and affording benchmarks to align our project trajectory. Moreover, I undertook an in-depth foray into content blocking methodologies for layout structuring, which exerted substantial influence during the project's nascent brainstorming phase and collectively contributed to the articulation of our project roadmap.

Synthesizing these assiduous research endeavors with an iterative design approach, I ensured a harmonious resonance with end-users, a congruence with stakeholder expectations, and an overt achievement of project deliverables, surpassing initial stipulations.

The Notable Features

Custom Icons

Custom Map

Detailed Contact Form

The Interactive Prototype

An interactive prototype


To increase engagement on the New Age Civics website, improve communication, offer a focused intake form, and create an attractive site with clear service details and calls to action for a credible and legitimate appeal.


Liberty Mutual and Partnerships UI